Sunday, 11 March 2012

Our Initial Filming Schedule.

At the beginning of our filming production, we heavily relied on our storyboard to form our trailer as we were pretty set that these shots were the only one we needed, upon reflection we found that we added more shots and extra filler shots as the filming process went on showing that although our filming process is not a direct reflection of what we have produced we have developed our narrative using a lot more camera shots as well as our mise' on scene. We annotated our storyboard with ideas we all had s when it came to filming some extra shots we knew exactly what we wanted.

Editing Process

This is an overall update of what mainly took place within our editing process.

Filming Process.

Filming Process.

Thursday, 1st March 2012 - Originally we intending to get most of the lose ends of filming finished and completed today but because of the unexpected weather condition we decided to film this morning. We filmed the remaining out door shots as well as filler shots.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Filming Process.

Thursday, 1st March 2012 - The filming went very successful as the light began to close in at the same time as we were filming which is what we intended to do, showing that we managed to keep to schedule to what we had initially planned. The lighting is a very significant part in our trailer as it helps to create a sense of eerie and fear of the unknown, hopefully in our final trailer this is conveyed.